Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Growing Up...

I didn't quite realize how long it'd been since I last posted. Things have been going pretty well for me. I've been slacking off a bit in school, seeing as I actually have a social life to speak of. I'm loving college more than I ever thought I would, which is scary, but exciting all at the same time.

Today has been quite an interesting day. I'm not complaining by any means though. This morning I had an interview for a possible internship this summer. I've been putting off calling the company for weeks. I say that I've been really busy, but part of me thinks this is my minds way of telling me I really am growing up and it scares me to death sometimes. I had to skip class to go to said interview, which was fine until I found out I had missed a test in that class...luckily the professor was very understanding and willing to work with me on that.

The interview went GREAT! I now am looking at an internship this summer where I should be writing articles, taking photographs, as well as designing layouts for a magazine :) There might even be some video recording thrown into the mix there somewhere. I'll be willing to try any new branch of journalism to further my career. I've been stuck in this rut for so long of only wanting to write for a newspaper, never really wanting to branch out to public relations or broadcasting, but with the way the media market is rapidly changing, so should my mindset.

After my interview, the boyfriend came to see me at school for lunch. Then, I convinced my professor in my last class of the day to hold class outside, which was so nice. It was fun except for the constant breezes of pollen :-/ Finally after an eventful day of classes, I found a nice surprise of chicken nuggets and macaroni in the cafeteria, which was awesome. Looking forward to a celebratory dinner with the boyfriend tonight. I'm so thankful to have such amazing friends and family who I've been able to share today with. I couldn't be happier! Okay, soo...I would be happier if my school workload wasn't so heavy at the moment, but hey...I'm growing up...it was bound to happen sometime!


  1. congrats on the interview!! what magazine is the internship for?

  2. Thanks!! It's for Mr. Summer...you remember the one I told you I hope I'd get when you came to see me @ school?

  3. ohh yeah! well i've got my fingers crossed for you :)
